
At Solistica, we live sustainable logistics, our commitment to the environment and efficient operations.

What is our strategic sustainability framework?

At Solistica, sustainability is a fundamental pillar of our operations. We are committed to driving economic and social development through transparency and strengthening credibility with our interest groups.


We contribute to the achievement of our corporate goals for 2030, aligning our processes with the SDGs and the principles of the UN Global pact.

  • Diversity, equity and inclusion
  • Health, safety and well-being
  • Talent development
  • Human and labor rights
  • Sustainable energy and mobility
  • CO2 emissions
  • Climate change
  • Circular economy
  • Quality in servicex
  • Security in the environment
  • Information protection
  • Development of local communities
  • Sustainable sourcing

Our people

We know that quality work and the commitment of our employees drive us to achieve our goals.
For this reason, we have several initiatives to guarantee their integrity, health, safety and well-being.

Our People

Talent, culture, well-being and decent work are the drive and development of Our People



Culture Inspectors

In 2023, the "Culture Inspectors" initiative was organized to promote the use of the Ethics Line with the participation of more than 6,000 employees


Health coverage

100% of the work centers have an occupational health professional to provide on-site or remote care to employees.


Wellness for all

391 actions were carried out under the integral wellness plan, promoting work-life balance, financial health, healthy habits and social connections. Initiatives that positively impacted the lives of 25,385 employees and their families


Safety certifications

+700 employees certified by experts in work at heights, forklift operation, manual food handling, and brigade members


Comprehensive health campaigns

Focused on caring for the health of our employees, we conducted campaigns such as Yellow September (mental health), Pink October (breast cancer) and Blue November (prostate cancer). In 2023, we carried out 150 actions with more than 16 thousand participants, aligned with the five axes of our Wellness Model


Professional Excellence Program (PEX)

Focuses on optimizing processes, reducing waste, increasing productivity and cutting operating costs. In 2023, 470 employees participated


Inclusion with sign language

We offered a Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) course for 20 recruiters in partnership with ATEAL, to make our selection processes more inclusive and support employees with hearing disabilities.


of training in sustainability, health and safety, culture, leadership, technical knowledge, and savings culture.

employees participated in campaigns on healthy lifestyles to promote a culture of prevention.


of our employees in Mexico are covered by the Health and Safety Management System.

of training in human rights, sustainability, health and safety, culture and leadership and technical knowledge, with more than 54,000 employee participations.

employees over 50 years of age joined the company in 2023 for a total of 1,117 people in this age group.
At Solistica, the well-being and safety of our
employees are fundamental pillars.
We prioritize creating an exceptional work environment that empowers them to provide superior service to our customers and stakeholders.


ANTP National Road Safety Congress in Querétaro


18th consecutive year receiving the ANTP's road safety award


We received recognition at the 28th Sindusfarma Quality Award


Mobile Training, Training our drivers


"Coffee with Transformation"

An initiative to promote trust, dialogue and collaboration between leaders and employees


Brigade camp in Solistica Colombia


Our planet

Our commitment to the environment is related to our vision of prevention; therefore, we identify, evaluate and determine the impacts that we consider significant for our operation, implementing responsible and efficient solutions.

Our Planet

We have a legacy of business philosophy for the care of the planet and action for Sustainability



Energy efficiency

We have automated the lighting in some of our warehouses, initiated the installation of LED luminaires and generated a regulation for the use of air conditioning to improve energy efficiency.


Environmental Recognition

We were awarded the Green Seal by the São Paulo Secretariat of the Environment for our work in preserving the environment.


Ecovadis Green Certification

We obtained Ecovadis Green certification for our appropriate risk management, environmental compliance and sustainability performance.


Cortina Vegetal Project

We implemented the project with a total of 317 seedlings that contribute to environmental improvement in our area of influence.



of non-hazardous waste from our Mexican operation is recycled or reused, avoiding landfill.


of our inputs used at Latincentro are of recycled origin.

liters of water were reused in Brazil for vehicle washing.
At Solistica, we are committed to developing control mechanisms
aligned with the commitments of our Safety, Occupational Health and Environmental Policies
to positively impact the planet and the communities where we operate. We take care of our CO₂ emissions; in addition, we promote sustainable mobility and circular economy.


We integrate electric vehicles into our fleet


We received three recognitions for our environmental excellence in Bogotá


We recycle 743.15 tons of paper and cardboard by 2023


Sustainable last mile vehicles


Our community

Our corporate culture goes beyond corporate success; it also focuses on community development.
Through our collaborators, we carry out actions that improve the quality of life of their communities.

Our community

We implement social support actions to contribute to the positive transformation of the communities in which we operate



Santa Catarina River cleanup

We joined SOSAC, civil society and other companies to remove 2.65 tons of solid waste, avoiding almost 2 tons of CO₂.


Gold Seal in Road Safety

We received recognition for the sixth consecutive year for Good Practices in Road Safety, totaling 8 Gold Seals in all.


Road Safety

Alliances with mobility and transit agencies in Colombia and Guatemala for road safety and education campaigns in 2023.


Extensive Training

We provided +150 thousand hours of training in human rights, sustainability, health and safety, culture and leadership, technical knowledge, and savings culture to more than 3 thousand employees.


Three-time champions in SINDUSIFARMA

We were recognized for our storage and distribution solutions for medicines and active solutions for the cold chain.


Recognition / Brazilian Association of Playgrounds

Our contribution to community development with children is highlighted.


Tapas que curan

We collected 338 kg of plastic caps to recycle and generate income in the Tapas que Curan initiative, supporting treatments for children with cancer.



of Solistica’s purchases in Mexico are made from local suppliers.

strategic partners were retained through the ORANGE CIRCLE program in 2023, which is equivalent to 80% of the total volume.

community actions, benefiting Jardim FEPASA in Jundiaí, benefiting +1,700 people.
We are driven by a deep sense of social responsibility,
we are committed to promoting a sustainable future,
supported by the well-being and progress of local communities.


We promote safety and protection for all road users


We inaugurated the Safe Crossing Governor Curiel in Guadalajara




Our drivers strengthened their skills with Biciescuela training


Sustainability Report 2023

Actions by region




Our awards

They are the result of our firm commitment to social and environmental responsibility

6 Gold Seals for good practices in road safety.
A rating for the strategic road safety plan.
We obtained a Gold Seal, awarded by the District Secretariat of Mobility of Bogota, for being a Company with Environmental Sustainability in the Logistics Network.
In 2023, for the 17th consecutive year, we obtained the ESR distinction awarded by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy.
We obtained the Silver Seal, awarded by the Getulio Vargas Foundation of Brazil, thanks to the publication of our complete greenhouse gas inventory in 2023.
Recognition from the Secretariat of the Environment of Bogota.
SCT and SEMARNAT gave us the Clean Transportation recognition.